Purchase Management System
EZCorporate Purchase Management System is a module for managing your day-to-day purchases. It is packed with all necessary features that are needed by any business, which has to buy raw material for manufacturing or finished good purchases for trading.
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Experience The Best Features Ever!
EZCorporate ERP has state of the art features will definitely help you transform your business to the next level.
Five level inventory/fixed assets/services categorization
Vendor Information Management
Multi quotations Management based on approved Indent/Demand
Multi GRN against single Purchase Order
Auto bill posting against demand & GRN
Purchase Return Management
Periodical (daily/monthly/ yearly) services contract management
Linked with accounts import management system
Approval dashboards against each activity
15+ Comprehensive Procurement Reporting against multiple filterss
General item, fixed assets, serial item, expenses (direct or tagged against cost center) & services can be managed in single purchase invoice along with taxes & discounts (line or bill wise).